Ryn is just over five weeks old and has had lots of fun experiences. She was born on July 7, 2011 and was welcomed into the world by her father, Eric, and myself. I was able to hold her first and when she looked at me with those big blue eye, I melted! After they cleaned her up, Eric was able to hold her for several minutes during which time she found her hands and began sucking. After being checked out by the medical staff, we were transported to a private room. Shortly thereafter, we were greeted by Eric's and my parents and Ashley Young, a close friend of the family. Later in the day her Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Allan, and cousin Caro stopped by to meet her. Caro fell in love immediately. She grinned and jumped around all excited to have a new cousin.
The next few hours were a whirlwind of medical staff checking on us. The next day, her Uncle Manley and cousin Lauryn drove up to meet her. Her cousin Jennifer, Aunt Beverly, and Uncle Thermon also drove down for a visit.
We brought Ryn home on Saturday, July 9th. We spent that evening and the next day getting to know our beautiful little girl and becoming a family. Eric returned to work on Monday while Ryn and I did our best to figure each other out.
On July 23rd, Ryn made her first visit to Atlanta. Here, we did a little shopping and went out to eat at Copeland's Cheesecake Bistro at Atlantic Station. Then we swung by Jacksonville for a quick visit with the grandparents.
We traveled to Birmingham on August 10th where Ryn got the third cast for her foot removed and got to meet her Aunt Carol for lunch.
On August 8th, Ryn had her first pediatric check-up. She got rave reviews on her growth and was very good for Dr. Jones.
On August 13th, we gave Ryn her first bath. She did very well until the end when she started fussing. Eric videoed every moment.
On August 14th, Ryn was one of the youngest visitors at Auburn's Fan Day. She was accompanied by her mom. dad, and Pawpaw. We think she got more attention than the football players!