Love you forever

Friday, December 23, 2011

Baby Food

We've been experimenting with baby food lately. So far she's tried bananas, apples, pears, sweet potatoes, and a chicken and apples combination. She seems to be okay with bananas and sweet potatoes but her favorites are pears and the chicken and apples.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sitting Up

Ryn gets steadier sitting up every day. She is growing up way to fast for me. I'm so proud of her. She hasn't let her hips and foot set her back one bit!

Santa Claus

Eric and I took Ryn to see Santa Claus when we were in Atlanta on December 3rd. She just sat there and smiled. She is such a joy! We are keeping our fingers crossed that she will do as well next year :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

First Thanksgiving

Ryn celebrated her first Thanksgiving by joining Grampy, Grammy, Uncle Allan, Aunt Jennifer and Cousin Caro in Wedowee for an awesome breakfast. Then she rested up for a late lunch in Jacksonville with Pawpaw, Nana, Uncle Manley, and Cousin Lauryn. She loved the attention and had a great time!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sound Effects

Ryn loves "talking" to us and making sound effects. Lately, she sounds like a motor boat. Of course, she stops when I pull out the camera, but starts again at about 19 seconds into the recording. So cute!

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Ryn has thoroughly enjoyed her first Halloween festivities. Friday night we took her to the architecture department's annual pumpkin carving contest and were amazed at the talent and creativity on display. This evening we went to the Orangefest at church. She was a little too young to participate, but was very observant and was ooohed an ahhhed by many others. She was adorable in her puppy dog costume!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy Birthday, Grammy!!

Celebrating Grammy's birthday with the family and getting to know cousin Caro. She has sooo much to look forward to! I'm afraid these two are going to be a mess, though! :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011


We took Ryn to church for the first time today. She was so sweet and wasn't fussy until it was time to eat. Luckily, we had a bottle ready! After the service we visited the nursery and met a few of the nursery workers. We look forward to visiting again soon!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Interacting with Her Environment

This is one of the first times she has voluntarily interacted with one of her toys.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I noticed recently that when the light hits her eyelashes they are the most beautiful shade of red.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Milestones and Football

Ryn is gaining better head control every day. She loves to sit up and survey her domain. Her smiles keep growing wider and prettier. She is so much fun to play with.

She is gearing up for her first Auburn football game this evening. We are already teaching her to say, "WAAARRRR EAGLE!!!" I'll have to post pictures next time.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Ryn's smile gets prettier every day!! She is really starting to respond to Eric and me when we interact with her. We are enjoying every moment of this :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day Care

Ryn started day care today. I cried all the way to work and in front of the students! But, they were so glad to see me that my tears quickly dried up. Mrs. Tate sent me a couple of pictures and that really helped. When I went to pick her up the other little girls were so excited to have a baby around. They were precious. Now she's sitting quietly in Eric's lap and just hanging out. :) Life is good!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy 2 Month Birthday!!

Cameryn is two months old today! She has grown so much and is smiling more and more every day. Eric and I are truly blessed to have such a wonderful daughter! We can't wait to see what the next two months will be like.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Ryn had her first trip to the mountains this weekend. She traveled very well, except when hungry, and had a good view of the scenery. We went to the Aquarium of the Smokies, did a little shopping, and ate some good food. I think Ryn's favorite part was getting pushed around in the stroller! I can't wait until she is old enough to enjoy the scenery :)

Monday, August 29, 2011


Dear Ryn, if you ever read this, I discovered this morning that you unfortunately have inherited both of your parents' stubborn streaks.



Sunday, August 28, 2011


Ryn had her first photography session yesterday. We were able to photograph her in several outfits and squeeze in a few family shots along the way. I can't wait to see how they turn out! I have always been interested in photography, but I've definitely been bitten by the bug and want to start collecting props so Eric and I can take pictures along the way.

She is also gaining better head control everyday. She's growing so fast!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


We sat Ryn between us last night and listened to the recordable books from Grammy and Grampy. She just sat there wide-eyed listening to their voices. She is so precious!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Just got back from lunch with Grampy and it is hot! Welcome to Summer in Alabama, Ryn. Now time for a nap :)

Notice the cute outfit in the picture. She's starting to get big enough for all the cute clothes we bought!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Her Eyes

Last night brought about the time for another bath. This one was not as much of a success as the first. Good thing we didn't tape this one! Ryn started out fine, but quickly became agitated when she realized what was happening. There are distinct times when she does not like to be bothered. As my mother has become fond of saying, "She's just like you!" Thanks, Mom!
On a lighter note, I can't call her Blueberry Eyes anymore. I'm starting to notice a faint ring of hazel radiating around her pupils. Maybe she'll have hazel eyes like Eric.
We are trying to get her accustomed to her crib so we will lay her in there for short periods of time. I recently placed her near the side with the soft bumpers and guided her had across the soft fabric. Over the next few minutes she would brush her hand against the fabric and give out a faint squeal. So precious!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Weather siren. It's funny what triggers a memory. I walked outside today at noon to mail a letter and heard the faithful warning blaring in the distance. Two years ago my students and I would have to momentarily pause any conversation in Math due to this loud noise outside our classroom window. The past two years have brought about major changes in my life - transferring to the library and becoming a mom. I smiled as I walked back to the house thinking how lovely things have turned out.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Ryn and I made a quick trip up to Wedowee to see Grammy and Grampy. She and I were so proud to see Grammy moving around after her surgery. We ate lunch and had a good visit while Ryn slept on Grampy's chest.
Tonight Eric and I were able to take the whole family (Trixie, Dobby, and Ryn) out for a very short walk. The temperature was great and the dogs have really missed getting out of the yard. After our nightly routine, Ryn was still wide awake. She and I enjoyed play time with no toys and no electronics :). She would throw up her little fist toward my mouth and I would kiss her hand. She was really working on that eye-hand coordination. Then I brushed my hair across her face and she would just grin! She was absolutely precious!! I was having so much fun I didn't want to put her in her cradle and say good night. We are truly blessed!

Monday, August 15, 2011

0-5 Weeks

Ryn is just over five weeks old and has had lots of fun experiences. She was born on July 7, 2011 and was welcomed into the world by her father, Eric, and myself. I was able to hold her first and when she looked at me with those big blue eye, I melted! After they cleaned her up, Eric was able to hold her for several minutes during which time she found her hands and began sucking. After being checked out by the medical staff, we were transported to a private room. Shortly thereafter, we were greeted by Eric's and my parents and Ashley Young, a close friend of the family. Later in the day her Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Allan, and cousin Caro stopped by to meet her. Caro fell in love immediately. She grinned and jumped around all excited to have a new cousin.
The next few hours were a whirlwind of medical staff checking on us. The next day, her Uncle Manley and cousin Lauryn drove up to meet her. Her cousin Jennifer, Aunt Beverly, and Uncle Thermon also drove down for a visit.
We brought Ryn home on Saturday, July 9th. We spent that evening and the next day getting to know our beautiful little girl and becoming a family. Eric returned to work on Monday while Ryn and I did our best to figure each other out.
On July 23rd, Ryn made her first visit to Atlanta. Here, we did a little shopping and went out to eat at Copeland's Cheesecake Bistro at Atlantic Station. Then we swung by Jacksonville for a quick visit with the grandparents.
We traveled to Birmingham on August 10th where Ryn got the third cast for her foot removed and got to meet her Aunt Carol for lunch.
On August 8th, Ryn had her first pediatric check-up. She got rave reviews on her growth and was very good for Dr. Jones.
On August 13th, we gave Ryn her first bath. She did very well until the end when she started fussing. Eric videoed every moment.
On August 14th, Ryn was one of the youngest visitors at Auburn's Fan Day. She was accompanied by her mom. dad, and Pawpaw. We think she got more attention than the football players!